"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things" Philippians 4:8
I love this verse and we have been thinking a lot about it lately. It would be easy to dwell on what has gone wrong recently, or what could happen in the future... but that is not what God wants us to do. And honestly it wouldn't help anything anyways. Not that I haven't been struggling with this. There have been several days where it looks like things are getting worse and I am consumed by my worry. So then I have to claim this verse: "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus" Philippians 4:6-7. So very true. What happens is out of my hands, so I shouldn't stress myself out more by worrying about it. Like Jesus said: "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" Matthew 6:27. It makes me feel so much better to know that I have a heavenly Father who I can give my worries to, and that He is in control of it all.
So instead of worrying, we are trying to focus on our blessings. Jared thought it would be a good idea to write down some of the ways that God has blessed us lately. And once we started that, we realized how incredibly blessed we are. I know that this is only a small fraction of all of it too. I am posting the list that Jared came up with so that it can be a reminder of the lovely, excellent and praiseworthy things in our life.
*A special note to all of my incredible friends that are reading this right now: You are each a gift and blessing from God! I have been so very overwhelmed by all of your sweet notes, messages, visits, gifts of food, flowers, books, entertaining Emma, and most importantly all of your faithful prayers for these babies. You mean so much to our family, and have made this time much easier than it could have been!
1. Monday night was slow at work, so I could quickly and easily leave work.
2. Amanda got to the hospital safely with Emma on Monday night.
3. Amanda passes her parents exit on the highway to the hospital and her parents actually got on the interstate right behind her for the entire ride to the hospital.
4. I was able to make it up to the hospital before Amanda and meet her at the front door or the emergency labor and deliver wing of the hospital.
5. The doctor on call for the night was the same one that delivered Emma.
6. There have been no contractions for the first 11 daysof being at the hospital.
7. No infections that could harm the babies
8. Baby A still has some amniotic fluid to stay in.
9. Baby B’s water did not break
10. My partner at the hospital cover my shifts for the first 2 days, so that I could be with Amanda.
11. My partner at the hospital has offered additional help covering my shifts as events take place with the twins.
12. My schedule gives me a lot of time to spend with Amanda.
13. I have been able to see Amanda everyday before work and after work for a few hours.
14. Amanda’s parents have been watching Emma and Daisy dog for the entire week.
15. Emma has been sleeping well and being good for Amanda’s parents.
16. Amanda’s parents have been able to bring Emma to the hospital everyday and that she can see her mommy.
17. We went to the beach without Emma for 2 nights. We got back from the beach 2 days before Amanda’s water broke. This would be a very difficult situation if this had happened in Florida.
18. We have a webcam set up now so Amanda can see and say good night to Emma as much as she wants.
19. Day 12 and the babies are still in the womb growing and have great blood flow!
20. Friends and family have brought food, books, etc. to the hospital and visiting with Amanda.
21. All of our Christian friends and family are praying like crazy for the twins' safety.