Monday, September 13, 2010


David and Ethan are getting 2- 33 ml bottles of breastmilk a day now, and breastfeeding once a day.  The rest of their feedings are still given through the NG tube.  They are doing really good!  They will take the first 20 ml easily with the bottle, and then the nurse usually has to force down the remaining 10.  They were both 3 lbs 15 oz today!  Almost to 4 lbs!!!  They are both off their O2 sat monitor, and doing a great job regulating their body temp too.  So the main thing we are waiting on is getting them to eat on their own!  David pulled out his NG tube twice today.  I hate that they had to put it in again, but it least we know he is getting stronger and has a little fight in him!  I love these boys so much!

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