Saturday, January 8, 2011

Ethan and David- 4 months

Ethan and David turned 4 months two days before Christmas.  I CANNOT believe it!  Here are some things going on with them and highlights from the last month or two.

  • At 3 months, Ethan weighed 9 lbs 3 oz, and David was 9 lbs 4 oz.  This week E weighed 11 lbs 5 oz, and D was 11 lbs 4 oz.  It still amazes how close they are in weight.
  • They have officially outgrown their newborn clothes, and are now wearing 3 month clothing!  Yea!  They just started wearing size 2 diapers (um, we have an obscene amount of dirty diapers around here these days.  So if you come over and our house stinks- I apologize!)
  • Their demand for milk is now exceeding my breastmilk supply :(  So, we have started supplementing with a couple of bottles of formula each day.  I would love to be able to breastfeed both of them the enitre first year like I did with Em, but I just can't make any more milk!  When they get a bottle they usually eat 4-5 oz.
  • They have been smiling and cooing like crazy the last couple of weeks.  It took them a while to get there- about 3 months, but it has been SO sweet to see those smiles!  They have such contagious smiles and smiley eyes that light up their whole faces.
  • They are definitely developing distinct personalities.  Ethan is a little more sensitive and needs more attention than David.  He can be fussy, but I think he is going to grow to be such a determined little boy!  David is mostly laid back, and happy just chilling most of the time.  David LOVES his brother and will try to inch over closer to Ethan when he gets a chance.  Ethan is happy with a little more personal space :)
  • We had a little drama in our house a couple of weeks ago when Ethan got one of Emma's hair twisted around THREE of his toes!!!  He had been crying uncontrollably for 2 days before we figured out what was wrong.  His toes looked terrible, but thankfully God guided Jared's hand to get it off without making things worse.  I heard many stories from friends that had to take their baby to the ER to get the hair off, so I am so glad that we didn't have to go down that road.  Poor Mr. E felt much better after that!
  • They have just started sleeping in separate cribs.  It makes me a little sad to separate them when they sleep now, but one was waking up the other during naps or at night.
Ethan and David at about 3 months
    David and Ethan at 4 months
     David and Emma
     David at 4 months
    Emma loves her brothers!  She is such a sweet sister.
  • They are taking about 3-4 naps a day, and almost sleeping through the night.  Some nights they have taken a 6 or 7 hour stretch, but at other times it is only 4 hours.  I think they are getting close, though.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE all these pictures!! Esp. the 4 month picture of the boys. They are getting big so fast. Glad to see you had a great Christmas!
