Having twins, there are certain questions that people ask all the time. I don't mind these questions, but it is just something that I can expect to happen whenever I get out with the boys. "Are they identical?" (there still isn't an easy answer to that question), "Do twins run in your family?", "How do you tell them apart?", "Did you use fertility drugs?" (ok, that last one is getting a little personal, but I just grin and assume that they don't realize that it could strike a nerve with some people that did). But, I do love these questions because it presents an opportunity to tell their story.
Another common question asked is "How are they different?". They are each so unique and special! It has been so interesting to watch these boys grow and mature, and to see the personalities that God has planted in each one of them.
My boys at 12 months...
Ethan is a clown. He is so funny...sometimes it takes him a little bit to warm up to someone new, but once he does he is all smiles and giggles. I LOVE his laugh...could listen to it for hours. Or longer. He is very ticklish also.
Ethan is very loving these days...when he eats dinner in his booster seat, he grabs my arm and hugs it with both of his wet, sticky hands. And then there is the kisses he has been giving. He pulls my face to his, lips open wide, laughing joyfully. Sigh.
This boy is very independent, though. He doesn't fuss much when I lay him down for a nap, likes to get down and explore. But when he is done exploring, he crawls back to me, pulls himself up on my leg and tries to crawl in my lap.
True to his name, Ethan is my "strong man". He has always been the first to reach a milestone (usually by a few days or so)- sitting up, pulling up, etc. I remember sitting in a rocker chair holding him in the NICU, telling him what his name meant (strong and steadfast), and how strong God had made him. He was the one that has the most trouble in the beginning, but he is a determined boy and has come such a long way! He has just began to cruise around the furniture a bit recently...David hasn't tried yet, but I know he'll be there soon!
Ethan is a great eater...he will down almost anything I put in front of him! And lots of it!
He is an amazing sleeper (they both are- thank you God!), but Ethan has a particular way he likes to sleep every night. Turned on his belly, sucking his thumb, holding onto and pressed up against the bumper. Every. Night.
He doesn't say much clearly yet...sometimes "mama" or "dada", but he is working on it! He loves to laugh almost as much as his sister, so it is hilarious to see them playing together!
Oh, David. David is so smiley...and he warms up quickly to others. He makes the funniest faces! Sometimes he will roll his eyes up and blink those long lashes, smacking those lips "ba ba"...he knows he's a charmer. :)
David is a mama's boy. He does not want me to put him down for nap. Or for bedtime. Or for playtime. Throws a little fit when I do so. It amuses me (for now) because he gets so dramatic about it. It has been hard to leave him at the nursery and small group the last few weeks, though. The boy just loves his mama. He has been giving lots of sweet, slobbery kisses lately.
This boy is already testing mama, though! I know that he understands "no" (both of them do), but when we let the boys have free reign in the family room, he goes straight for the forbidden areas- the fireplace, the lamp cords, the blinds. After I tell him "no" and remove him from the area, what does he do? Goes right back to it, turns his head and blinks his big eyes. Ethan, on the other hand, will come back to me when I tell him "no". He is a mess! :)
David is more laid-back than Ethan...not so much in a hurry to get to that next milestone. He is never far behind, but he waits to see his brother master it before he attempts it. They both started pulling up right around their birthday...David about a week later than E.
David eats just about anything these days, too. He is slightly more picky than his brother (he gagged on avocado, while Ethan thought it was ok). Some of their favorites now are cantaloupe, watermelon, peaches, pears, chicken, pot roast, green beans, peas, black beans, and cheese bread. Oh and pumpkin chocolate chip bread!
He is such a great sleeper, too. The only time they wake up at night is if they are sick. I really wonder how that happened?? Maybe because they had to learn to ignore the other one's cries when they were younger? I don't know, but I sure hope it continues!! David is not really a bumper snuggler like his brother, but he is a thumb sucker.
And David is the "talker" of the two...so far. He says "mama", "dada", "daisy" (our dog), "emma". Not very clearly yet, but I can make it out :) I can usually tell the difference between David's and Ethan's voice...David is slightly lower. I love their sweet voices!
I think David likes my camera...actually I know he does because he makes a bee line for it every time I have it out.
And can we talk about how much they look alike? Same little outie belly buttons, same dimple in their chin, same hair color and amount, same number of teeth, same blood type, same hazel-blue-grey eyes...and both of their left eyes are slightly lighter in color than their right. I just started telling people they are identical. I don't know for sure, but they certainly still look a lot alike. I do see small differences...the shape of their eyes and their faces is a little different. That is how I tell them apart. But, apparently some identical twins can be in separate sacs and each have their own placenta during pregnancy. There is a genetic test that can be done to determine identical/fraternal...maybe one day we'll have it done, just to know. I'm in no hurry, though.
Love watching these boys play! David giving Ethan kisses here...
Ethan on left, David on right
Lean on me...
Eating puffs (Ethan on left, David on right)
Ethan pulling David's hair...