As of today the twins are still doing great! Still no signs of infection or contractions. So we wait- on bed rest at the hospital. Jared has returned to work, but thankfully he will be off all next week. Now I just have to figure out what to do with all this time!
Admittedly I have spent MUC H of my time on the computer or watching TV. I've also be reading a little. Some from my bible, finished Crazy Love by Francis Chan (loved it), and now I'm starting a Beth Moore book. But today I've felt like God is calling me to be more disciplined with my be a better steward of all this time he has given me. I can choose to look at this time as a gift. As a time to grow closer to God, to pray for others, to count my blessings. I believe that God wants us to be good stewards of all He has given us, including our time. So that has become my goal. I need a lot of help from Him, though, because own my own I easily get lost in my selfishness and pride. I definitely have to rely on God for everything. Everyday. So I've decided to release this time into His hands and see what He wants to teach me through all of this. I know it can only be good things!
Why Your Last Photo Session was a #FAIL
6 years ago
Amanda - you are amazing! You have kept such an unbelievably positive spirit throughout all of this. I know God is hard at work in your family. I'm committed to praying for you, your husband, Emma and those sweet boys in your belly each and every day. And if you need a friend, I would love to come sit in the hospital, pray with you, watch TV with you, or whatever you would like to do! Blessings on you, sweet friend!!