Monday, August 30, 2010

Ethan and David (Days 2 and 3)

Day 2 was a great day for the boys!  Ethan was taken off of the ventiltor and put on the CPAP because he was doing better.  Then later that day he came off of the CPAP because his lungs looked great and he was doing a good job breathing on his own.  They gave him a little oxygen through a nasal cannula to help him out a little bit.  David came off of the CPAP also that day!  The highlight of the day was holding them both for the very first time.  They were precious moments and they really responded to me talking to them.  David opened his eyes and looked at me when I held him for the first time.  In the morning I held David since he was doing so well, and then when we came back in the evening I was able to do "kangaroo care" with both of them.  They also started phototherapy that day because both babies' bilirubin levels were high.  Here are some photos from Day 2:
The first time we saw David open his eyes

Holding David for the first time!

Ethan under the bili-lites
David under the bili-lites
This sweet girl stopped by that evening to see her baby brothers!  She was so precious!  When she saw me holding David, she said "aww, baby", and reached out her hand toward him.  She was so interested in them!
Day 3 went really well also.  They were still under the lights, and I got to hold them both.  They were both so alert; opening their eyes and looking up at me!  It just melts my heart.  Both of them had nasal cannulas that day to help their breathing just a little bit.
David looking up at Mommy!

Ethan looking up at Mommy
"Many, O LORD my God, are the wonders you have done.  The things you have planned for us no one can recount to you; were I to speak of them, they would be to many to declare! Psalm 40:5

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